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From October to December 2023, KICTANet championed digital inclusion, human rights, and child protection. Partnering for cybersecurity, AI discussions, and feminist internet events, KICTANet remains a leader in Kenya's ICT sector. 21 downloads Download 20 MB
Surveillance Laws and Technologies Used in Countering Terrorism and their Potential Impact on Civic Space

This paper is part of a three-part research study by a panel convened by ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa with the support of The Fund for Global Human Rights, constituted by HAKI Africa, KICTANET, and The Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) to carefully interrogate the impact of counter-terrorism (CT) and the prevention of violent extremism (PVE) and similar national security measures on civic space in Kenya to inform interventions that enhance greater accountability for violations and ensure an open civic space free from unjustified restrictions under the guise of security

875 downloads Download 545 KB

The 2022 KICTANet annual report highlights the organization's activities and initiatives executed under five broad thematic areas; Tech and Democracy, Data Protection and Data Governance, Digital Resilience, Cyber Security, and Cyber Capacity, Strengthening Gender in ICTs, and ICT inclusion for marginalized communities. KICTANet is a multi-stakeholder Think Tank for ICT policy and regulation, which aims to promote an enabling environment in the ICT sector that is robust, open, accessible, and rights-based through multistakeholder approaches.

838 downloads Download 2.9 MB
This report examines the issue of online gender-based violence (OGBV) in Kenya, which affects marginalized groups such as people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ people. The report uses survey and focus group data to explore the nature, prevalence, impact, and legal framework of OGBV in rural and urban areas. The report finds that OGBV is a gendered phenomenon that can have negative physical and emotional consequences for the victims and that it can be motivated by various factors such as personal, political, or monetary reasons. The report also provides recommendations for stakeholders to address OGBV and promote digital security and rights. 1636 downloads Download 708.6 KB
This impact report covers the initiatives and activities conducted during the second quarter of April 2023 to June 2023 aligned with our four strategic pillars. 386 downloads Download 37.1 MB

Kenya held a hybrid event on May 18, 2023, to launch a report on how accessible government websites are for people with disabilities. Stakeholders from the government, disability groups, and the public came together to discuss the issue. Read the report for insights!

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KICTANet Accessibility of Kenya Government Websites to Persons with Disabilities- ScoreCard 2023

A Kenyan assessment aims to improve access to technology (ICTs) for people with disabilities. This includes understanding their experiences and incorporating their voices into ICT policy. Importantly, the assessment emphasizes providing equal access to information and online services for all, upholding the right to information enshrined in Kenya's constitution (Article 35).

1258 downloads Download 1.3 MB
PowerPoint presentations during the launch of the Scorecard on Accessibility of Government websites to Persons with Disabilities by the Digital Accessibility team. 1769 downloads Download 386.4 KB
The Good, The Bad and The Politics of Women on The Internet
There remains a long way to go in bridging the digital gender divide, creating safe spaces on online platforms and transforming the current capitalist and exploitative internet model into one that allows women to thrive and grow. 434 downloads Download 662.9 KB
Digital technologies must be as usable and inclusive as possible so that everyone across the globe can benefit irrespective of one's disabilities so that everyone can realise the full potential of the internet. 327 downloads Download 2.3 MB
A feminist principle on access emphasises the kind of internet we want: affordable, equal and universal and is especially significant when we look at the current digital gender gap affecting internet users today where 200 million less women than men are connected. 1593 downloads Download 2.9 MB
Online surveillance and censorship impact everyone's rights and particularly, those of already marginalised groups such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, transgender and Queer. The use of new technologies usually reinforces existing societal biases, making those communities particularly prone to discrimination and security threats. 1411 downloads Download 2.1 MB
From Mina's experience, the power of the internet can amplify women's narratives and lived realities. A feminist internet would allow these discourses to be published without censorship and fear of persecution. 1720 downloads Download 2.1 MB

This report presents a summary of the key findings of KICTANet’s election observation mission during Kenya’s general election held on August 9, 2022.

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KICTANet Quarterly Spotlight Report January - March 2023
This impact report covers the initiatives and activities conducted during the first quarter of January 2023 to March 2023. Some notable activities during the period include the commemoration of data privacy day, International Women's Day, and the creation of a National Coalition on Freedom of Expression and Content Moderation. 1721 downloads Download 1 MB

Kenya's 1 million citizens with disabilities face digital exclusion despite their right to access. The COVID-19 shift to online services worsened this problem, highlighting a lack of website accessibility for people with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities. This report investigates the accessibility of government websites for these groups.

1550 downloads Download 260.6 KB
Kwenye kibonzo hivi, Amani anavinjari katika ulimwengu wa mtandao pamoja na kujitosa katika bahari ya siasa. Mara nyingi wanawake na wasichana hujikuta walengwa wa mambo mabaya mtandaoni kama vile kunyanyaswa na kukandamizwa kwenye ulimwengu huu unaozidi kugeuka wa kidijitali kwa hivyo, ulinzi na faragha. Siri ya data (Taarifa za Kibinafsi). Yako ni zana muhimu ya kukuwezesha kuvinjari mtandaoni bila hofu. Jifunze kuhusu jinsi amani, kwa usaidizi wa rafiki zake, anavyokabiliana na suala hili na mwanawe pia anavyoweza kulinda taarifa zake.
698 downloads Download 11.9 MB
In this comic, Tatua support takes us through steps for How to keep your money safe online 527 downloads Download 10.8 MB
In this comic, Tatua Support takes us through Cyber Hygiene for connected devices. 468 downloads Download 6.1 MB
Comic module3 - Social Media and Messaging
In this comic, Tatua Support takes us through the Cyber Hygiene challenges in Social media and Messaging applications. 548 downloads Download 12.3 MB
Comic module2 - Secure Access To Your Devices and Services
In this comic strip, Tatua support teaches us how to have Secure Access To Devices and Services 488 downloads Download 9.3 MB
Comic module1 - Introduction to Cyber Hygiene

This comic by Tatua Support introduces cyber hygiene! Just like personal hygiene keeps you healthy, cyber hygiene protects your devices and data. Learn how to be safe online with easy steps to improve your online security and keep your devices running smoothly.

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In this comic strip, Lela educates her family on Cyber Hygiene issues 398 downloads Download 6.2 MB
In this comic, Amani navigates the online world and her entry into the world of politics. Women and girls often find themselves disproportionately targeted online for harassment and bullying in an increasingly digital world. Therefore, data protection and privacy are key tools for helping stay active online. Learn about how Amani, with the support of her friends, tackles this and how you too can protect your data.
2031 downloads Download 8.4 MB
2022 KICTANet preliminary election observation report

Kenyans went to the polls on August 9, 2022! KICTANet monitored the election, focusing on technology. KICTANet’s election observation mission report highlights positive steps like sufficient voting tech, voter identification using fingerprints, and electronic transmission of results.

1074 downloads Download 247.2 KB

KICTANet's Pre-election Observations Report on Kenya’s August 2022 Elections recommendations to improve future elections. The report proposes giving the public access to election data, stronger security checks, and better voter education. Read the full report for all the proposed recommendations.

2260 downloads Download 791.2 KB
As an election observer, KICTANet met the election body IEBC on July 13, 2022, to discuss technology's role in the August 2022 elections. KICTANet offered collaboration to ensure free, fair, and credible elections. Read for details.
1909 downloads Download 249.3 KB
Disinformation in Kenya's Political Sphere: Actors, Pathways and Effects

This research examines how disinformation shapes Kenya's political scene. It exposes the rampant use of misinformation at both national and local levels, targeting a diverse electorate with varying ideologies, ethnicities, economic backgrounds, and demographics. Politicians exploit these divisions to manipulate voters.

2434 downloads Download 15.4 MB
The study reviews the current status of digital governance in Kenya and provides ideas for better supporting the key areas related to the achievement of strategic objectives. The report is based on desk research and interviews conducted with more than a dozen Kenyan stakeholders from the public sector, business sector, academia, and civil society organizations. 3206 downloads Download 2.1 MB

KICTANet visited the Konza Technopolis development project on June 25th, 2021. The visit was hosted by the Konza Technopolis Development Authority and aimed to give KICTANet members a chance to see the project's progress and offer suggestions to help it move forward.

596 downloads Download 20.4 MB
Licensing and Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks

KICTANet, together with our partners, formulated a Licensing and Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks in Kenya.  The framework was developed in partnership with KICTANet, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland and supported by the United Kingdom’s Digital Access Programme.

2459 downloads Download 2 MB
Content Creation Guidebook

98% of Kenyans are online! KICTAnet, through this guidebook, empowers East African women to become online content creators and build their digital identities.

11464 downloads Download 1.4 MB
This report by ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), and Pollicy reviews the national legal frameworks and practices that have enabled an extraordinary surveillance environment during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya and Uganda. It documents and raises awareness about government and private sector surveillance measures and practices in both countries during this period and their human rights implications. 1071 downloads Download 637.5 KB
A comic strip that demonstrates the challenges women face online. 1035 downloads Download 3.4 MB
Vibonzo ama katuni zinazofunza kuhusu usalama wa wanawake kwenye mtandao 1097 downloads Download 3.4 MB

A 2020 report by KICTANet aims to spark an open discussion between Facebook and stakeholders (users & regulators) in Kenya. It highlights user concerns and proposes solutions for a safer, more responsible FB platform in the region.

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In Kenya's informal settlements, women shoulder family burdens and ensure basic needs are met. Despite this, they're excluded from decision-making. COVID-19 worsened their situation with increased economic strain and domestic violence. This report explores the pandemic's impact on Kibera women and proposes solutions with a gender focus, emphasizing community support.

1060 downloads Download 6.1 MB
Assessing Internet Development in Kenya. Using UNESCO’s Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators

UNESCO developed a framework (ROAM-X) to assess how countries meet internet development goals. Kenya, a leader in this effort, used this framework to evaluate its own progress. They focused on core indicators related to rights, openness, access, and participation. This successful pilot project paves the way for other countries to assess their internet landscape.

4228 downloads Download 2.2 MB

Kenya's new "Huduma Namba" digital ID system raises human rights concerns. A 2018 law created a central database (NIIMS) for all citizens & residents. This study explores the legal background, shift to digital IDs, and potential human rights impacts.

3676 downloads Download 3 MB
Community Engagement With The National Assembly ICT Committee

KICTANet and Huawei met with Kenya's Assembly ICT Committee on Nov 13, 2019. The discussion focused on challenges to citizen engagement and the Committee's goals for improving Kenya's tech sector in 2020. This collaboration aims to strengthen public participation and advance Kenya's tech development.

766 downloads Download 117.4 KB
Senate Standing Committee on IT - Engagement with KICTANet

Kenya's Senate ICT Committee met with stakeholders (including Huawei) via Zoom on July 15th, 2020. They discussed emerging tech legislation and policy gaps exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal was to identify areas needing intervention to improve Kenya's tech sector during this crisis.

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Kenya's ICT Authority launched County ICT Roadmaps to improve service delivery. KICTANet monitored progress in 3 counties: Uasin Gishu, Kajiado, and Taita-Taveta. This report identifies areas where counties excel and need improvement, guiding future development. Challenges include legislation, budget, and political support. Partners like Huawei supported the 2019-2020 survey. They aim to expand it to all Kenyan counties.

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KICTANet and Huawei held a webinar to dispel myths surrounding the new technology. Experts discussed the reality of 5G and its potential impact. Over 200 participants joined the discussion and streamed live on YouTube.

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TheWomen@web program, supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie and KICTANet, equips university students with digital literacy and safety skills. Students learn responsible online behaviour, digital rights, and security measures through workshops and activities. This empowers them to participate confidently in online communities.

1254 downloads Download 708.6 KB
Policy concerns on digital identification workshop report May 2019
This document provides a brief overview of the background, proceedings, and outcomes of a thought leaders’ meeting, on Digital Identification, which was hosted by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) with the support of Huawei, on 29th May 2019 at Ngong Hills Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. 1059 downloads Download 663.3 KB
Thought leaders breakfast meeting on fintech policy and regulation

KICTANet hosted a forum on Fintech policy & regulation. The September 2019 meeting brought together 25 experts across the Kenyan fintech ecosystem. Discussions focused on key issues impacting the industry. A resulting policy brief will inform future regulations and raise awareness of fintech in Kenya and beyond.

924 downloads Download 1.4 MB
Social-economic impact of broadband in Kenya Online Discussion 2019

A study by International Data Corporation (IDC) is evaluating the social and economic impact of broadband in Kenya. Supported by Huawei, the Ministry of ICT, and others, it aims to improve policy and expand broadband access. KICTANet facilitated an online discussion to gather insights from citizens and stakeholders on current challenges, regulations, and opportunities. This will help create a plan for maximizing broadband's benefits for Kenyans.

1221 downloads Download 201.7 KB

Safaricom, Kenya's leading mobile provider, hosted online discussions on services and policy. Led by KICTANet, the forum addressed consumer issues (affordability, quality), competition, innovation, and infrastructure. Discussions highlighted the need for data protection laws and solutions for market dominance. This multi-stakeholder approach aims to improve services and regulations for all Kenyans.

2286 downloads Download 7.3 MB
2468 downloads Download 363.3 KB
1179 downloads Download 1.6 MB

Kenya debates solutions to combat fake news. Ideas include:

  • Best practice manuals for social media platforms
  • Collaboration with bloggers to fact-check
  • Media literacy education in schools
  • National values campaign to promote ethical online behaviour

These efforts address the root causes and empower Kenyans to identify and avoid fake news.

2299 downloads Download 486.6 KB
The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) deployed a 25-person election observer mission for Kenya’s 2017 General Election that took place on August 8, 2017. Kenyans voted for six positions namely Presidential, Senate, Parliamentary, Women’s Representative, Governor, and Member of County Assembly. KICTANet’s observation focused specifically on the use of technology from a user perspective and accordingly released a preliminary report which was published on 11 August 2017. 1031 downloads Download 207.1 KB
925 downloads Download 320.5 KB
1168 downloads Download 2 MB
KICTANet stakeholder participation on the Elections law Amendment Bill 2017
992 downloads Download 374.5 KB
1423 downloads Download 4.2 MB
4391 downloads Download 2.4 MB
1805 downloads Download 394.8 KB
Africa Union convention on cybersecurity online debate report 2013
865 downloads Download 601 KB
Women and Cybercrime in Kenya Literature Review report 2011
2483 downloads Download 878.4 KB
971 downloads Download 440.2 KB
1980 downloads Download 535.6 KB
Aligning Records Management with ICT E-government and freedom of information in East Africa report 2011
859 downloads Download 400.5 KB
1073 downloads Download 255.8 KB
893 downloads Download 271.3 KB
822 downloads Download 262.2 KB
KICTANet Competence Status Survey Assessment Report 2007
898 downloads Download 418.5 KB
806 downloads Download 177.2 KB
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