Whether you are a politician, a lawyer or just someone who is passionate about gardens, the internet offers you an opportunity to learn and to help people solve problems through creating your content. Women@web seeks to raise women’s voices in multiple online platforms and on a diverse range of subjects. KICTANet has carried out advocacy campaigns and digital security and literacy training.
The women@web project is a DW regional initiative that covers 4 countries in East Africa. At the national level, KICTAnet has teamed up with Siasa Place and the Association of Media Women in Kenya(AMWIK).
This year KICTAnet conducted a digital security and literacy training for women university students. The training encompassed content creation and engagement through multiple internet platforms. The aim of this training is to encourage and mentor women to comfortably create content in areas where they want to share knowledge. Whether it’s from their hobbies or their expertise. The trainers included seasoned online content creators, digital brand influencers and digital security experts.
The training has exhibited a great impact for our trainees creating content online. KICTanet has created a community platform of women content creators for feedback and support. In the next phase of the project, we will be linking mentors to the trained content creators and showcase their works online. Watch out for this space!
We express special thanks to the Bloggers Association of Kenya(BAKE) for training and for offering to support some of the alumni.
Training report is available here
TheWomen@web program, supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie and KICTANet, equips university students with digital literacy and safety skills. Students learn responsible online behaviour, digital rights, and security measures through workshops and activities. This empowers them to participate confidently in online communities. | 1501 downloads | Download | 708.6 KB |
Policy Advocacy
Under the women@web KICTANet supported women to participate in the Kenya School of Internet Governance(KeSIG). We have noted emergence of divergent views and increase in participation on IG discourses among women.
This year, KICTANet will be launching a policy brief on the underlying factors that affect women content online content creation. This brief will inform women@web Kenya partners in the next phases of the project.
Take on Tech
We also engage women on various issues revolving around tech gender gap in a series our program Take on tech. Take on tech is a TV show that breaks down tech policy issues for the understanding of the common mwananchi. Take on tech airs weekly on one of the National Broadcaster, KBC. We will continue to hold programs on women digital security, women digital identity and on content creation. Learn more on take on tech here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegApUZsuaWaXYf5g9W8Mzw/search?query=take+on+tech
Support – This project is supported by the DW Akademie.
Contact us: You can reach out to us for more information about the project, to get involved or to offer additional support through: infoATkictanet.or.ke, lizoremboATkictanet.or.ke or mwaragichangaATkictanet.or.ke