Policy Briefs

KICTANet policy briefs.

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This brief reviews Kenya’s data privacy and legal framework, focusing on the Data Protection Act. (DPA). It assesses progress, challenges and opportunities for reform, with insights from literature reviews, online focus groups, and key informant interviews.

1457 downloads Download 3.3 MB

Kenya’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) journey requires a strategic roadmap. Unlocking AI’s potential responsibly hinges on robust policies. This policy brief examines the challenges and solutions, guiding Kenya’s policy landscape towards inclusive development and ethical AI integration for societal benefits.


639 downloads Download 4.9 MB

Bridging the Digital Gender Divide in Kenya. Kenya aims to close the gap in women’s access to technology and participation in public life. This report, through the efforts of KICTANet and the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. (ICNL), explores challenges and opportunities for greater inclusion.

602 downloads Download 2.9 MB
Mapping Kenya’s Cybersecurity Capacity-Building Need 2023

This policy brief highlights the urgent demand for enhancing cybersecurity capabilities in Kenya. It identifies specific needs and offers key recommendations to stakeholders for effective capacity-building initiatives.


1013 downloads Download 3.2 MB
KICTANet Accessibility of Kenya Government Websites to Persons with Disabilities- ScoreCard 2023

The assessment aims to empower persons with disabilities in Kenya by ensuring their access to ICT and incorporating their lived experiences into ICT policy. Publicly accessible information remains consistent to promote equitable access to online services, aligned with Kenya's Constitution (2010), Article 35, which guarantees the right to access information as a fundamental human right.

566 downloads Download 1.3 MB

This policy brief examines recent cyber diplomacy advancements at the UN, particularly the Open-Ended Working Group. (OEWG) on information security, concluding in March 2021. It explores power dynamics and Kenya’s strategic positioning within global cybersecurity efforts.

873 downloads Download 854.4 KB

This guidebook explains data protection in Kenya, emphasizing women’s rights. It targets women, women human rights defenders, data protection practitioners and gender experts working at the intersection of gender and technology. Learn how to protect your data and advocate for others.

1773 downloads Download 3.3 MB
Data Protection and Privacy. A Gender Perspective
Digital access empowers women but also exposes them to data risks and online violence. This publication examines data protection issues like lack of agency, consent in unequal power dynamics, privacy loss, discrimination, and online gender-based violence.
5622 downloads Download 1.9 MB

Kenya’s data protection law faces scrutiny. In a landmark case, the High Court, addressing the Nubian Rights Forum case, excluded DNA and GPS data from what can be collected, citing privacy concerns and deeming such data unnecessary for civil registration and identity documents.

2544 downloads Download 3 MB

In recent years, as business, government, and civil applications move online, cybersecurity has become a major concern. Financial losses, reputational damage, and social embarrassment from cybercrime are rising. Corporations and governments must invest in securing infrastructure, networks, and users, and create policies to mitigate these risks.

1413 downloads Download 1.9 MB

This brief assesses the impact of the Data Protection Act, 2019 on the 2022 Kenyan elections. The election is the first held under the data protection law. The brief aims to ensure data privacy and security during the electoral process.

1251 downloads Download 542.3 KB

This study maps Kenya’s cybersecurity landscape, focusing on the financial sector and advocating a human-centric approach. It covers legislation, stakeholders, and increased ICT use in digital payments, noting e-commerce growth. The study emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity as digital transactions rise.

2367 downloads Download 678.1 KB

Kenya’s Constitution guarantees public participation, yet recent ICT lawmaking shows limited involvement. This report offers insights on strengthening public engagement in legislative processes.

2130 downloads Download 618.1 KB

This study on Kenya's readiness for 5G found the country has legal frameworks for internet access, but lacks a national 5G strategy. This puts Kenya at a disadvantage in attracting investment and participating in the digital revolution. The study concludes Kenya isn't prepared for widespread 5G use due to strategic, policy, and regulatory gaps.

1038 downloads Download 10 MB

Kenyans rely heavily on smartphones, but how is their data protected? This research scrutinizes how Kenyan internet companies manage user rights, revealing limited protections due to unclear regulations and low awareness among users. The study urges action from companies, civil society, academia and government to enhance digital rights practices in Kenya.

837 downloads Download 1.8 MB
Digital Identification Law in Kenya: The State of Play

Launched in 2018, Kenya’s Huduma Namba digital ID program has sparked debate on privacy and legal issues. This policy brief explores its framework, addresses concerns, and proposes recommendations for ensuring legal compliance amidst ongoing public scrutiny.

1735 downloads Download 7.5 MB

This policy brief focuses on promoting community networks in Kenya to bridge the digital divide. It acknowledges existing challenges like high fees and lack of awareness and proposes solutions such as lower spectrum fees, easier licensing, and infrastructure sharing. The policy also emphasizes capacity building and encouraging women's participation in building and using these community networks.

1004 downloads Download 1.8 MB

Over The Top Services (OTTs) like WhatsApp challenge traditional phone companies. Should these new players be regulated? This report explores the issue and recommends solutions for a balanced future.

1395 downloads Download 2.3 MB

Technology can empower women but also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying that silences them. This brief explores the problem and suggests solutions.

1281 downloads Download 7.1 MB
Trends of Online Violence against Women in Politics During the COVID19 pandemic in Kenya

Kenya's cyberbullying discourages women's participation in politics. This policy brief explores the problem and solutions for a more inclusive online space.

2326 downloads Download 887.8 KB

Kenya's content policy struggles: Balancing rights and control. This brief explores historical trends and ongoing tensions when it comes to content freedom vs. regulation.

1912 downloads Download 2.1 MB
Kenya's Cybersecurity framework. Time to up the Game. December 2019

Cybersecurity is a growing concern in Kenya’s ICT sector due to widespread ICT adoption. Despite this, institutions have not prioritized cybersecurity, and the country lacks a comprehensive policy and legal framework to address cyber threats. This brief calls for effective policies and frameworks to combat cyber threats and build resilience.


1905 downloads Download 539.9 KB

This policy focuses on regulating the booming Fintech industry in Kenya. Fintech uses new technology to provide financial services, increasing access for underserved populations and raising concerns about security and risks. The policy aims to balance encouraging innovation with creating a safe environment for financial services by proposing legal and regulatory frameworks.

2085 downloads Download 9.4 MB
Which Intermediaries have your back? How Kenyan Intermediaries Protect Human Rights Online 2019

With more internet use, Kenyans’ data from smartphones is at risk. Apps like betting and loans rely on this data, raising privacy concerns. This study found gaps in digital rights protection due to weak legal frameworks. It calls for better policies, awareness, and legislation to safeguard user’s rights. 

582 downloads Download 1.5 MB
The role of Kenyan intermediaries in upholding privacy 2019

Kenyans' data privacy at risk! 🇰enya's internet companies lack strong user protections. This study recommends actions for companies, civil society, academia & government to improve digital rights.

592 downloads Download 413.2 KB
Africa Union a guide for Human Rights Defenders in the digital age 2018

This brief guides Human Rights defenders in navigating the digital scope in Africa. It emphasizes the importance of protecting digital rights, offers strategies for maintaining privacy, and advocates for stronger policies to safeguard activists online.

537 downloads Download 184.9 KB

This brief examines online freedom during Kenya’s 2107 election, highlighting issues like misinformation, social media monitoring, and digital rights violations. It calls for legal reform to protect online freedom, ensure fair access to information, and safeguard digital rights in future elections.

679 downloads Download 5.7 MB

The’’ Data Protection in Kenya Policy Brief 2018’ ’outlines Kenya’s approach to safeguarding personal data. It likely discusses key elements such as legal frameworks, rights of data subjects, obligations of data controllers, and measures for data security. The brief aims to ensure compliance with global standards while facilitating data-driven innovation within the country’s regulatory framework.


852 downloads Download 2.2 MB
Promoting Policy Impact and Inclusive Cyber Policy Making in Kenya 2017

This brief focuses on enhancing cyber policy effectiveness through inclusive methodologies. This initiative involves engaging diverse stakeholders in policy formulation, implementing impact assessment frameworks, and developing comprehensive clear governance structures tailored to Kenya’s socio-political contexts.

514 downloads Download 112 KB

This brief discusses the implications and applications of blockchain technology in Kenya. It focuses on regulation potential, economic impacts, opportunities for innovation in sectors such as finance and governance, and challenges related to adoption and implementation. This brief aims to provide insights into how blockchain can be leveraged to promote transparency, efficiency and trust in various aspects of Kenyan society economy.

747 downloads Download 245 KB
Internet Shutdowns Policy Brief 2017

The ‘’Internet Shutdowns Policy Brief’’ the implications and consequences of internet shutdowns in Kenya, focussing on rights violations, economic losses, and societal impacts. It advocates for policies ensuring uninterrupted access to digital resources for all.

710 downloads Download 612 KB
Don't hit the switch making the case against network disruptions in Africa 2017

This brief examines the severe repercussions on civil liberties, economic stability, and social cohesion. It underscores the imperative for robust policies that safeguard uninterrupted digital access as a fundamental right for all Africans.


640 downloads Download 392.6 KB

This brief investigates the specific challenges women face regarding cybercrime in Kenya, analyzing their vulnerabilities, and the broader security implications, and proposing strategies for empowerment and protection within the digital landscape.


597 downloads Download 1.6 MB
KICTANet Strategic Evaluation - Strategic Positioning to Catalyze Growth 2007

This policy brief assesses KICTANet’s strategic initiatives for fostering growth in Kenya’s ICT sector. It analyzes positioning strategies, evaluates their impact on sector development, and recommends future directions for enhancing ICT growth and innovation.


638 downloads Download 651.3 KB


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