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Hi David, I believe gender integration is about eliminating any form bias especially where one gender was initially advantaged over the other. Creating safe spaces in online games, can be
[kictanet] Kenya IGF Online Discussions Day 2: Strengthening Data Security in the Context of Emerging TrendsThe data security can be strengthened by applying multi proged approach. multi layered security approach
Listers, There are these common word terminologies – Gender mainstreaming and Gender Integration. What do they mean when creating safe spaces for wo(men) when it comes to TAVAW especially for
Interesting report from the Web Foundation “Is Open Data Working for Women in Africa? *Kind Regards,* *David Indeje * +254 (0) 711 385 945| +254 (0) 734 024 856 Khusoko
Listers, It is indeed true that we are laggards as relates to emerging tech. There are countries where industry determines the curriculum.. Maybe that’s the way we should go since
It is interesting to note that when persons who have been abused online when they speak up, they end up being respected more unlike those who remain silenced or silent.
Listers, I am supporting @Cecilia on this topic. First, in 2015, The U.N. Broadband Commission reported that one in five young women has been sexually harassed online. Amnesty International ’s
Hello Listers The Internet and mobile technologies have created new ways to connect, share resources and experiences, and build communities. However despite the internet offering great solutions and innovations to
At the risk of adding a question and not a policy proposal, I wonder if the current education we provide is adequately preparing children for their roles in the brave
Good point Wangari Kabiru, The conversations in Kenya turned to, “you don’t need education” to be successful.We compromised the quality of research and education and now we are turning into
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