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Agreed with Hillary, One can find use for Distributed Ledger (DL) Tech without the Crypto aspect. The core advantage of DL within the Kenyan context is distributed control – as
Hi Hillary, Thanks for the clarification, your distinction is accurate, my contention is that DLTs cannot offer the same security trust model that public Blockchains do without the aspects i
Hi John, Just a clarification. A distributed Ledger is a set of nodes distributed geographically and operating independently using an agreed protocol. The protocol is designed to verify certain data
Greetings Team, With the story doing rounds on social media, has Safaricom issued a statement on the same? Anyone from Safaricom on the list care to comment? Warm regards, Michael
Good morning Listers We have now completed our data protection Policy brief. The brief examines the current state of data protection in Kenya and proposes the development of a general
I would rather refer to them as DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology). Block chain is one form of a distributed ledger technology. It is popular because it is a pioneer in
Update: Lawyers want Parliament to cap cost of mobile loans www.businessdailyafrica.com/economy/Lawyers-want-Parliament-to-cap-cost-of-mobile-loans/3946234-4665308-dyewg7/index.html via @BD_Africa *Kind Regards,* *David Indeje * +254 (0) 711 385 945| +254 (0) 734 024 856 Khusoko Skype:
Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Seminar, 13-17 August 2018, The Emperors Palace Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa The training course that will help you learn proven creative and
Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation Seminar, 27-31 August 2018, The Emperors Palace Hotel, Johannesburg The training course that will help you learn proven creative and innovative thinking techniques to generate
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