An image showing how the Hustler Fund looks on mobile devices
December 19, 2022

Hustler Fund – What Are the Data Privacy Implications?

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By John Walubengo As per the Kenya Kwanza “Plan,” President William Ruto launched the Hustler Fund, and millions of Kenyans have been onboarded and borrowed over 8 billion shillings so far. The Hustler
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Ms Grace Githaiga training of Bungoma county female journalists on Media Women in technology
December 18, 2022

Increasing Media Capacity to Use Online Spaces Safely

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Kenya has made significant gains in information and communication technology (ICT). However, there needs to be more in the inclusion of women and the full use of the internet for
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December 14, 2022

Internet Access and Participation as Enablers of Digital Human Rights

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One of the most interesting sessions I attended at the IGF2022 was the plenary on Access & participation as enablers of digital human rights.  A discussion mainly revolved around meaningful
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Mr Mahat Somane, Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Mr John Walubengo, ICT Expert and Trustee at KICTANet and Ms Julie Matheka, Progrmame Manager ICJ Kenya during their session "The Place of Technology in elections"
December 12, 2022

AJC2022: ICJ Kenya Carries out African Post-Election Review

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By John Walubengo The Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya) organized and hosted its Annual Jurists Conference (AJC) 2022 on the theme, “Reflections on Electoral Democracy
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Person Using Wheelchair pexels-marcus-aurelius-4064337
December 12, 2022

Are We Missing The Point in How We Define Disability?

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By Nicodemus Nyakundi As a KICTNet ICT Accessibility and Equality for persons with disabilities fellow and a beneficiary of the three-day Disability Reporting Training by the Internews in Nairobi, my interest was captured by
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Image of the exit sliding doors at bole international airport with a large banner at the side saying "WELCOME" And another one at the top saying "Have a pleasant time in your motherland, Ethiopia".
December 12, 2022

My First Time at The IGF: International travel Is OK Even if You are Hard of Hearing

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By Florence A. Ouma Feedback to the IGF Host and the Multistakeholder Advisory Group I have always wondered what it would be like to travel internationally as someone with a hearing
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Person Holding Turned-on Android Smartphone with different social media platforms
December 12, 2022

Online Disinformation and Its Gendered Element

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By Nicodemus Nyakundi Online disinformation is propagated by simply clicking on the share button. The intent is to mislead and daint the image and reputation of the victim.  Its target
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Nicodemus Nyakundi and Judy Okite in Addis Ababa for IGF 2022 (2)
December 7, 2022

Physical Accessibility at the Internet Governance Forum 2022

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By Judy Okite The Government of Ethiopia hosted the 17th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) between 28 November to 2 December 2022 in Addis Ababa under the overarching theme Resilient Internet
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December 5, 2022

Understanding online Gender Based Violence (OGBV) #16DaysOfActivism

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According to a recent study on sexism and violence against women in African parliaments conducted by the Interparliamentary Union (IPU) and the African Parliamentary Union (APU), at least 42% of
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IGF 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
December 2, 2022

You are More Vulnerable to Digital Marginalization than You Think

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By Florence A. Ouma I tried to guess the odds of anyone reading this article identifying as a “vulnerable person.” You probably think you do not fit the definition of
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Assistive Technologies for Invisible Disabilities
December 1, 2022

ICTs Assistive Technologies for Invisible Disabilities

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By Nicodemus Nyakundi When we talk about PWDs, we usually refer to what we can see, such as physical disability, visual disability, and so on. However, there are invisible disabilities.
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Internet Network
November 30, 2022

Should Internet Data Bundles Expire?

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By John Walubengo So last week, the Parliamentary Committee on ICT vowed to investigate mobile operators’ practices that expire internet data bundles that subscribers have purchased. The fundamental argument is
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