WhatsApp to Move Ahead with its Privacy Updates

Dear Mwara,

These are pertinent questions you have raised here, and the discussion is
really interesting.

On question one, I think Facebook is not your ordinary platform to compare
with other platforms such as bibles and picture filtering apps. I therefore
care much more about the privacy of my data because it’s a piece to a
bigger global puzzle. For me whatsapp is a platform where many aspects of
my life connects, my family, chama, landlord alerts, Mpesa is now sending
statements to whatsapp. I would not want to imagine that I would want any
of this used for business purposes, especially when right to opt out is

I think this is also an opportunity to scale homegrown solutions and
platforms because soon enough when we all move to platform B, they would
pull the same strings on us! Seems we must buy our own lunch! I am still
hanging on to the old terms waiting to be axed 🙂

Ni hayo tu kwa sasa!

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 7:39 AM Mwara Gichanga via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Dear listers,
> Thanks to those who managed to contribute to the discussions yesterday. We
> are still collating our questions to Facebook regarding this subject. Today
> let’s talk about what’s at stake with the new terms. To guide our
> discussions, let’s ponder over these questions:
> 1. We already have applications that mine our instant generated data from
> our mobile phones(eg bible apps, mobile lending apps, games etc). What’s
> different with Whatsapp getting this data?
> 2. Is there anyone who has accepted these terms already? What’s your
> experience so far?
> Lets continue the conversation!
> Warmly
> Mwara
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