What policy-makers need to do about the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal

Thank you Shitemi,

I think things are starting to unearth around this age of the cloud, AI and
Big Data. We are at a point in history where new standards may need to be
set by the Industry Players and Policy Makers as to the level of accepted
use of data.

We are witnessing a point in history where technology has advanced to a
stage where we need to look things a bit more differently. That link you
shared captures why it is essential that all players and stakeholders
involved need to work together to innovate further in areas of mutual
benefit. Without the *mutual benefit* component we risk having the *trust
element* break up the pace at which things innovate.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:08 AM, Shitemi Khamadi via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Some thoughts from Privacy International on the CA scandal. Some which we
> as a country are currently working on www.privacyinternat
> ional.org/feature/1697/move-swiftly-so-they-stop-breaking-
> things-seven-things-policy-makers-can-do-about

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