The case for and against #deletefacebook


Facebook was built for and is meant for *sharing*! With time, I have seen
FB make us want to share more and more, recommend to us ‘friends’ at every
turn and inevitably there will be a clash between the sharing and our

Also, there was a time our Newsfeeds were very clean, you’d actually get to
know what your friends were upto, but I do find its now looking
unrecognizable; its become this very noisy marketplace! Or maybe I am
gettitng old 🙂

Privacy unfortunately plays 2nd fiddle to sharing. For me, the straw that
broke the proverbial camels back is seeing photos that I had taken on my
phone already auto-uploaded and semi-shared in my timeline, and with an
absent minded click, I would have shared all on the my timeline!

I got the app off my phone immediately, but kept the web desktop as I do
continue to use it once in a while.

I have also seen that FB has been collecting all our Phone records, calls +
SMS as written about on Verge…

So, I guess if you’re still using FB on Android, you gotta be ‘strong’!

Does FB and other Apps synchronize their data policies with those of the
users home country?


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:04 AM, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Listers
> Hope you all had a great weekend. Here’s an interesting article on the
> ongoing Facebook fallout.
> Excerpt:-
> I spent the evening with a friend who is far bolder than me. Having
> deactivated his Facebook
> profile
> three years ago, he upped the ante this week by deleting his Instagram
> account. Even more drastically, he plans officially to *delete* his
> long-dormant Facebook account—the last vestige of his serfhood in Mr.
> Zuckerberg’s fiefdom—sometime very soon, after his girlfriend has had an
> opportunity to port its photos elsewhere. (He prefers offline storage.)
> Read on:-
> 4ef688af63cc3bc7eef1a6466871482204b1da0994a47ddc4eb36e55eca2
> c6a6c64c45c7cb49127419dc577951543699845cefb5000f8f8cbb
> Regards
> *Ali Hussein*
> *Principal*
> *Hussein & Associates*
> +254 0713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn:
> “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a
> habit.” ~ Aristotle
> Sent from my iPad
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