TV signals turned off

@Ali and @Kiama, the word is politricks.

Reporting politics obsessively for personal and paid interest. This is
where I fault the media. They know themselves.

This trend does not benefit the professional media or the followers but
rather brings selfish political games to your channel.

On Feb 1, 2018 9:50 AM, “Mutemi wa Kiama” <[email protected]> wrote:


Don’t report politics? Don’t report corruption, mismanagement, theft of
public resources, abuse of office? Don’t report LIFE in Kenya is what you
are saying. You want to stay in your ignorance perch and enjoy your comfort
zones. Thing is, you won’t know what hits you when it crumbles.

#LestWeForget: When local TV stations were arbitrary switched off during
digital migration, notwithstanding that the global deadline was over a year
away providing room for negotiation & structured migration, the CS in
charge of information/ICT was… drum roll… incidentally, one Fred
Matiang’i!!! YaHoo!

Let’s keep feeding the pet python by doing nothing, after all, we are not
media. No way internet can be shut down surely!

Ni mimi,

Edwin Kiama

Thoughts become things… choose the good ones!
Social Innovator, Social Justice Entrepreneur, Catalyst, Human Rights
Defender, Social Accountability Champion, Rhize Coach

#DevolutionIsRevolution Champion

The Wanjiku Agenda Kenya Foundation (WAKenya)
Ordinary, Fearless Kenyans.

Sauti Ya Wanjiku Social Movement

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change
the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead

On 1 Feb 2018 09:02, “Dorcas Muthoni via kictanet” <

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