TV signals turned off

Omtata finally goes to court!

On Thursday, February 1, 2018, Mutemi wa Kiama via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Dorcas?
> Don’t report politics? Don’t report corruption, mismanagement, theft of
> public resources, abuse of office? Don’t report LIFE in Kenya is what you
> are saying. You want to stay in your ignorance perch and enjoy your comfort
> zones. Thing is, you won’t know what hits you when it crumbles.
> #LestWeForget: When local TV stations were arbitrary switched off during
> digital migration, notwithstanding that the global deadline was over a year
> away providing room for negotiation & structured migration, the CS in
> charge of information/ICT was… drum roll… incidentally, one Fred
> Matiang’i!!! YaHoo!
> Let’s keep feeding the pet python by doing nothing, after all, we are not
> media. No way internet can be shut down surely!
> Ni mimi,
> Edwin Kiama
> Thoughts become things… choose the good ones!

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