question re Observations on Technology Deployment in Kenya’s General Election 2017

Dear colleagues,

Did we generate a final report on the use of technology in the Kenyan
election of 2017? I have a copy of the preliminary report but not the final
one. I looked at the Kictanet web page under publications and did not see
it there either.

Please advise,

Thank you. Warigia

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017, 06:03 Grace Githaiga via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Listers
> Greetings.
> Please find attached an interim report on KICTANet’s observation on the
> technology deployment of the electoral process from a user end perspective.
> We are working an elaborate report and will share in due course.
> We thank all our observers and all members who contributed to all the
> discussions on the topic of technology use in the elections.
> Best regards
> Githaiga, Grace
> Co-Convenor
> Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)
> Twitter:@ggithaiga
> Tel: 254722701495
> Skype: gracegithaiga
> Alternate email: [email protected]
> Linkedin:
> “Change only happens when ordinary people get involved, get engaged and
> come together to demand it. I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability
> to bring about change – but in yours”—Barrack Obama.
> ———————————————————————————-
> *Grace Githaiga*
> Twitter: @ggithaiga
> Skype: gracegithaiga
> Linkedin:
> .*..**the most important office in a democracy is the citizen. So, you
> see, that’s what our democracy demands. It needs you!—-Barrack Obama.*
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