Fwd: [Internet Policy] Verizon settles with NYC

Might be of interest.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Joly MacFie via InternetPolicy <[email protected]>

Subject: [Internet Policy] Verizon settles with NYC
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>


The city has reached a settlement with Verizon, ensuring that the
communications giant expands its broadband Fios service to 500,000
additional Big Apple households, including at NYCHA buildings, Mayor Bill
de Blasio announced Tuesday.

The agreement secured by the de Blasio administration forces the telecom
giant to expand access to its high-tech fiber-optic network in more than
two dozen working and middle-class neighborhoods across the city —
including wiring the public housing complexes in those communities for

Note ISOC-NY comment on original audit that led to the case.


“The Internet Society believes the Internet is for everyone. Fast,
affordable, reliable broadband has become an essential service like water
and power. The Mayor’s audit finds that Verizon has failed to meet its
obligations to provide FiOS to New Yorkers as it was charged. If Verizon is
unable or unwilling to meet those commitments, then competitors who can get
the job done should be given the opportunity to do so,” said *David
Solomonoff, President of the Internet Society of New York*.

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