Fwd: [Internet Policy] Restoring competition in “winnerall” digital platform markets


Might be of interest.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Richard Hill via InternetPolicy <[email protected]>

Subject: [Internet Policy] Restoring competition in “winner-took-all”
digital platform markets
To: <[email protected]>

Here is a paper from UNCTAD on competition policy and digital platforms:


I copy-paste the highlights below.



Digital platforms provide a variety of services such as marketplaces, social
networking, search engines and payment systems. Their business model relies
on data and data monetization for growth. These are multi-sided,
oligopolistic or monopolistic markets characterized by network effects, high
economies of scale and scope, and increasing returns to scale, which
together raise barriers for new entry.

In digital markets, platforms compete for the market and not in the market.
These features together with control over user data confer significant
market power to incumbent platforms in their respective markets. This has
raised concerns about competition and led the competition lawyers and
economists reflect on ways to restore the lost competition in digital

This paper suggests adapting competition law tools and analysis to the
realities of this new business model; reforming merger control regimes;
focusing not only on free but also fair competition in digital markets;
adopting regulatory measures such data openness and portability,
interoperability between online platforms.

The paper also questions the relevance of consumer welfare standard based on
price effects and efficiency to the new business model of online platforms.
It suggests adopting a broader framework including choice, quality, privacy,
innovation, future competition and effective competition structure and
competitive process in competition law enforcement.

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