Fwd: FW: Charter for a sustainable digital age – Invitation for comments

Thanks Alvin.

@listers, this is a call to action. Let’s be part of what shapes our
digital future by actively participating in this project.


On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 11:12 PM Alvin Gachie via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Apologies for cross-posting. Please find below a call for comments and
> attached the Draft Charter referred to.
> Regards,
> Alvin Gachie
> ———-
> Dear colleagues,
> the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) has drafted a charter
> for a sustainable digital age based on the almost 500-page report “Our
> Common Digital Future”.
> Since last week, this draft has been accessible to everyone* and, above
> all, can be commented on at www.wbgu.de/charter
> The comments and remarks will serve as a basis for the preparation of the
> Charter to be published at the beginning of 2020, which will not only
> provide impetus for sustainability policy within the framework of the
> United Nations, but also for the European Union.
> We look forward to an intensive discussion, feedback, criticism, comments
> and requests.
> Best regards
> Benno Pilardeaux, German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
> www.wbgu.de
> ——————————————————–
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