Day 2 of Talk to the Senate (2017-2022 Priorities)

Good afternoon Listers.

Thank you for the contributions coming in so far. Now looking at oversight, it is possible to see the Senate’s role as two-fold; overseeing that national resources allocated to counties are properly and lawfully utilised and protecting counties from harmful conduct by national organs. We see the first limb in the work of the County Public Accounts Committee, county visits by various committees and consideration of the reports of offices such as that of the Auditor General. Through Statements, the Senate is able to seek answers from the executive thereby holding them accountable. They may also move Motions for certain executive action to be taken.

With this in mind I invite comments on–
(a) Are counties allocating enough resources to ICT in their budgets? What could be improved? What ‘leaks’ should the Senate watch out for?

(b) Are there particular questions you would like to propose to be adopted as statements or motions in the Senate seeking clarification on various executive decisions?

What conduct by national bodies is likely to have an negative impact in the counties

> On 6 Feb 2018, at 13:32, Sidney Ochieng <[email protected]> wrote:
> We need a comprehensive data protection law.
> On 6 February 2018 at 07:16, kanini mutemi via kictanet <

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