The governance farce that is AFRINIC

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for sharing this. I completely agree with you on this matter.

It’s time to put an end to the rot in AFRINIC. We can no longer ignore the
need for a revolution in its “leadership”.

Equally disgusted if not more.

My vote too was *”None of the above”*

Warm Regards,

*Joy Wathagi Ndungu*
Vice President/ Co-Founder, Digital Grassroots
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On 7 May 2018 at 01:16, Andrew Alston via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I’ve avoided up till now bringing this issue to KICTANET – but I think
> that now that the board of AFRINIC has proven just how far they are willing
> to stray from corporate governance – and considering the impact that
> AFRINIC can have on the wider Internet community in Africa – it’s time to
> bring this to the attention of this list.
> Recently – some damning allegations surfaced – and I won’t go into detail
> of those allegations – nor will I comment on if I believe them to be true
> or false, but needless to say – the community in outrage demanded an
> independent investigation. The board then chose to commission such in an
> attempt to pacify a justifiably angry community.
> At the same time, a vote of no confidence was duly put forward by a member
> of the AFRINIC community (Mr Elkins), which the board decided to refuse to
> table at the upcoming AGMM – in an attempt to protect themselves from what
> I personally believe would have been an inevitable result.
> The independent investigation came back – the governance committee which
> is independent of the board confirmed as much, that the report had been
> handed to the board. Instead of the board then releasing the independent
> investigative report to the community, the board decided to destroy ALL
> semblance of independence and write their own report supposedly based on
> the investigative report that had been demanded and release that instead.
> The boards email to this effect can be found at:
> My response to this can be found at:
> The AFRINIC elections are now upon us – and the candidates for both East
> and South – the SOLE candidates – are currently sitting on the board that
> is complicit in this total farce – and as such – I am now appealing to
> anyone and everyone who has a vote in AFRINIC to exercise that vote in the
> elections. I will leave it up to those who are voting to decide which way
> to vote – but I will go on record and state – I have voted – and I have
> voted “None of the above” across the entire slate – because in my view –
> these board members have NO place on a board that has such a fundamentally
> important job on this continent.
> Saddened and disgusted – why when we make such giant strides forward on
> this continent do a few individuals take us so far backwards and do so much
> damage? It breaks my heart
> Andrew
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