Save the Date: the Kenya Internet Governance Forum 2019 (August 1, 2018)

Thank you Victor for sharing this information early enough.

I have had the chance to watch the video, the production is really good, I
would however suggest that we make it more accessible next time by
including captions. I know Youtube can now auto-generate near perfect
captions but this means the video can’t be portable, it also has some
obvious misses like “Walubengo” -> “Valu Bango” 🙂 🙂 “Muliro Garden” ->
“Moliro Guidance” 🙂 🙂 because of our lahaja.

It is great that we invited high school students this time, it is a good
start, but in the video some of them look out of place… other than the
“Serious and High Level” panels, can we have panel discussions that can
interest them and that they can actively participate? Some ideas about this:
1. Have a side event for them introducing them to the internet
2. Have a panel discussion led by High School and Uni Students on Online
Safety and Challenges they experience Online esp on Social Media Platforms.
3. High School students love debates, is it possible to pick a simple topic
about the internet then have two teams compete?

That is it for now, keep up the good work team.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 9:56 AM Victor Kapiyo via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Good morning Listers!
> I trust all are well. This is to let you know that the Kenya Internet
> Governance Forum 2018 is scheduled to take place on *Thursday, August
> 1 201**9*.
> Kindly diarise and schedule to attend. More information will follow on the
> list and on the KIGF website <>.
> You can review a video compilation of the KIGF 2018
> . The report will be
> made available on the kictanet website
> <>.
> Looking forward to the participation of all on that day.
> Regards,
> *Victor Kapiyo*
> ====================================================
> *“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude” Zig
> Ziglar*
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