Opinion Pieces – Gagging Free Speech (Four Part Series)


Over 10 years ago, the porn addicted teen (son) of an activist got
entangled with the police after defiling a minor. It was all hushed up
(Children’s Act). Will Article 19 elaborate on when (or not) we should
watch porno with our children.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 12:51 PM Sigi Waigumo Mwanzia via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Good afternoon.
> Please find Parts III and IV of the ‘Gagging Free Speech’ series by
> ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa below:
> *Link:*
> www.the-star.co.ke/news/2021-04-04-legislating-morality-who-decides-where-do-we-draw-the-line/
> Regards,
> Sigi Waigumo Mwanzia,
> Programme Officer – Digital.
> Read more about ARTICLE 19’s #MissingVoices campaign here: www.article19.org/campaigns/missingvoices/
> W www.article19.org/regional-office/eastern-africa/
> Tw @article19eafric
> Fa facebook.com/article19org
> ——————————
> *From: *”easternafricfellow” <[email protected]>
> *To: *”Mugambi Kiai” <[email protected]>, “Winfred Gakii” <
> [email protected]>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9:15:41 AM
> *Subject: *RE: Opinion Pieces – Gagging Free Speech (Four Part Series)
> Dear Colleagues,
> Good morning.
> ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa *(EA)* published two opinion pieces as part of
> a ‘Gagging Free Speech’ series. This looks at the use of two problematic
> laws in Kenya, including the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, 2018 and
> the Kenya Films and Stage Plays Act (CAP 222).
> Please find the links below:
> *Part I:*
> www.the-star.co.ke/siasa/2021-03-27-gagging-free-speech-by-computer-misuse-act-films-and-stage-plays-act-part-1/
> *Part II:*
> www.the-star.co.ke/siasa/2021-03-27-gagging-free-speech-through-computer-misuse-act-and-films-and-stage-plays-act-part-2/
> Regards,
> Sigi Waigumo Mwanzia,
> Programme Officer – Digital.
> Read more about ARTICLE 19’s #MissingVoices campaign here: www.article19.org/campaigns/missingvoices/
> W www.article19.org/regional-office/eastern-africa/
> Tw @article19eafric
> Fa facebook.com/article19org
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