MoICT’s progress towards project goals

Thank you Adam. This is very useful information.

Just a summary,

In the period between 2017/2020, Policies, legal and institutional
framework developed/reviewed were:
Data protection Bill; Access to Information Act, National Broadband
Strategy, National Cyber Security Master plan; Digitization Policy for
public sector, Information System Security Policy, National ICT
Policy, Computer and Cyber Crime Act, film policy. Digital Economy
Strategy for Kenya, Huduma Number, Digital Integration Policy, ICT
Sector Competition Policy, Spectrum Policy, Policy on development and
implementation of emerging technologies (Distributed Ledger and
Artificial Intelligence),

Last Mile Connectivity to county offices headquarters, No. of
Government buildings connected to the Government backbone network: The
target was not met due to delayed clearance of equipment and Covid-19

E-Government Centre, % of completion of Digitization Centre: Target
not et due to non-signing of financial agreements between Kenya and
Korean Government

Kenya Open data initiative (KODI): The project was not funded during
the FY 2019/20

Fiber Network Connectivity, % of fiber optic cable maintained under
NOFBI Phase II: The project was completed in December 2017 with the
laying of a total of 2100KM fiber Network. The network requires
continuous maintenance for optimal use. The maintenance contract ends
in December 2020, hence funds will be required for a new maintenance

Konza Master Plan Consultancy (MDP2): Target not achieved due to
inadequate funding.

No. of Youth trained on online jobs: Target not met due to budget cut by 75%.

No. of learner digital devices distributed to public primary schools
in Kenya: Target surpassed due to operationalizing of assembly at
JKUAT and Moi University
Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya

On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 16:26, Adam Lane via kictanet
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi all
> Treasury released a report on progress towards all MDA’s targets for projects/activities.
> The one that includes ICT is here:
> ICT starts at page 45 of the document (page 59 electronically) for those interested. There are also reasons why goals were achieved or not achieved.
> Adam
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