law to start listing of Kenyans’ DNA

Dear fellow listers,

Happy New Year (albeit late).

Thank you Grace for sharing this information.

Just a few concerns about privacy of persons and the protection and use of

While I appreciate and understand the need for Government to address issues
relating to threats to security (assuming that this is where the need for
such kind of information stems from), what kind of guarantees are there
that ensure this information is not traded? What kind of data protection
mechanisms are in place?
or have these concerns already been raised and addressed in the new



On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 12:16 PM Grace Bomu via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Full story here
> Il giorno lun 21 gen 2019 alle ore 14:51 Grace Bomu <[email protected]>
> ha scritto:
>> Listers,
>> The government is now free to collect data on Kenyans’ DNA and physical
>> location of their homes including satellite details during registration of
>> persons.
>> This follows President Uhuru Kenyatta’s approval of amendments to the
>> Registration of Persons Act that has included the two to the list of
>> requirements needed at the national people’s registry.
>> Adults applying for documents such as IDs will be required to provide
>> additional information about their location, including land reference
>> number, plot number or house number.
>> The mi

KICTANet Admin information

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