Kenya IGF Online Discussions Day 1: Content Regulation on the Internet

Hello Listers,
Thank you @carolyne
Why online content shouldn’t be regulated?
Human rights principles and standards also apply to content regulation. Freedom of expression (FoE) protected by Article 19 and the UN declaration of Human rights states that offline rights apply equally online. 

Under which circumstance should online content be regulated?
Any restrictions placed on the exercise of the right to FoE must be legal, necessary, proportionate and legitimate.,(  Copyright reasons,obscene content, bullying and hate speech causing harm to others, security, human dignity, privacy.) and even so the restrictions placed must not undermine or jeopardise the essence of that basic human right. 
On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 10:28:01 AM GMT+3, carolyne mimano via kictanet <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello listers,
As we dive more into content regulation we should maybe also focus on:
Why content is regulated?- Copyright reasons,obscene content, bullying and hate speech(causing harm to others) security, human dignity, privacy.-The different kinds of content-online content, traditional media etcFor online content how different countries/governments are trying to regulate online content e.g self filtering, internet service providers or anyone that has access to blocking offensive material but fails to do so.
Kind regardsCarolyne

On Tue, 10 Jul 2018, 9:53 am cmaundu— via kictanet, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Listers, 
Content regulation, is basically content restrictions or monitoring as required by governments or regulatory bodies. 

On 10 Jul 2018, at 9:26 AM, kanini mutemi via kictanet <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Listers, 
I’ll start us off with the discussion on Content Regulation on the internet. I find it useful for us to first understand what content regulation means. To this end, I invite your contributions to the following questions–
(a) What does ‘content regulation’ mean?
(b) How is content regulation achieved?
(c) What categories of content face the most regulation? 
Let’s go! 

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