ict practitioners bill is back

Hello Collins,

​@kevin please dont talk about “evil blockchain” while trying to drive a
> point about why regulations need to be put in place.

​Please. I did not say any such thing as evil blockchain. I would really
want to get into a healthy debate on this one but I do not want to digress
from the important subject matter. Kindly go through what I wrote on that
one once more​.

​You just might end up proving why I insist its a very very bad idea for
> people to assume moral and intelligence authority on all matters ICT.​

Is this the letter and spirit of the current draft bill?​ If it is then I
am not for it. Share the specific clauses in the current draft bill that
indicate this.

​I suspect evwn the good CS might not agree with some of the arguments you
> put forward on the matter.

Sure. The CS is someone with so much more experience than myself that I
would also expect him to be much more informed than I am. Also I though it
would be obvious but I guess I have to state very clearly that I do not in
any way claim to be speaking on his behalf.

I was preparing to sit for my KCPE in the year that they founded Wananchi.
It is because of the work of such pioneers that I have the opportunities
that come my way. This is not something I take for granted because I have
traveled enough to see how much of an advantage we have here in Kenya.

If these same people that had “crazy” ideas and visions about setting up
their own Internet company way back then now tell me that they see that
this is the best way forward for the industry the least I can do is to
listen and then offer my opinion thereafter. And this is my point.

​As i said, if the premise is: “we are such a broad and interdisciplinary
> sector, what should we do / can we do about it to be able to articulate and
> influence policy?” I am happy to sit, listen and engage. ​

Am glad to say we are on the same page here.



On 21 December 2017 at 01:15, Collins Areba <[email protected]> wrote:

> ​​
> @kevin please dont talk about “evil blockchain” while trying to drive a
> point about why regulations need to be put in place. You just might end up
> proving why I insist its a very very bad idea for people to assume moral
> and intelligence authority on all matters ICT.
> ​​
> I suspect evwn the good CS might not agree with some of the arguments you
> put forward on the matter.
> As i said, if the premise is: “we are such a broad and interdisciplinary
> sector, what should we do / can we do about it to be able to articulate and
> influence policy?” I am happy to sit, listen and engage.
> Is that the premise of the current engagements?
> On 18 Dec 2017 17:23, “Kevin Kamonye via kictanet” <

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