ict practitioners bill is back

Related discussions threads online:

[2012] –
[2016] -> worth reading.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:20 PM, Timothy- Coach- Oriedo via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Thank you Ngigi for breaking it down so realistically.
> As a Data Scientist i was dumbfounded on the call to regulate ICT
> practioneers coz its even more complex Data Science where the profession
> entry point is multi faceted ranging from liberal arts like
> Anthropologists, Evolutionary Psychologists, Philosophers, Mathematics to
> Tech like Developers, Network and software engineers etcetra….
> The value of a technology is realised at the confluence of its usage.
> Hence the most lasting, impacful technology careers will be those that
> shape the application of technology to the last mile consumption of it…
> any attempt to regulate it will be rendered irrelevant by consumers of the
> technology who reward for mediocrity and superiority as they deem fit.
> Regards
> Tim
> On 18 Dec 2017 18:00, “Ngigi Waithaka via kictanet” <
> [email protected]> wrote:
>> My take,
>> Some things are just ridiculous..
>> You have a HR Administrator, A Programmer, Office Administrator, an IP
>> Lawyer, a sweeper, a Cyber Security expert all five working for:
>> a)A banks IT department
>> b) An insurance firms IT department
>> c) A manufacturing firm IT department
>> d) An IT consulting business
>> e)A software engineering firm
>> Give me one set of laws regulating them?
>> You regulate individuals in *professions* not in an industry. Thats why
>> in a bank, the HR Administrator gets regulated by HR association etc,
>> Lawyer gets regulated by ISK, the Programmer (based on whatever courses
>> he’s taken and/or experience etc) by their respective bodies and/or
>> experience etc
>> In an industry, you regulate final products and/or final services
>> delivered!
>> Now, what are some of the professions we have in the software industry?
>> 1. Programmers / developers
>> 2. System Administrators
>> 3. Database Administrators
>> 4. Enterprise Architects
>> 5. UX Designers
>> Now, try making a common regulation for those 5 out of a possible
>> hundreds…
>> Finally, for those us in software, you will agree its more art at some
>> point than science, so how do you regulate art?
>> Do you tell Picasso he can’t paint because he wasn’t certified as an
>> painter? Do you tell Franco he can’t sing because he wasn’t certified as a
>> singer? Do you tell a young Bill Gates he can’t write software because he
>> wasn’t certified in computer science?
>> Regards
>> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Watila Alex via kictanet <
>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>> EricKigada: Kenya’s controversial ICT Practitioners Bill 2016 to be tabled in parliament againtechmoran.com/kenyas-controv…https://twitter.com/EricKigada/status/937309893954031616
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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