Fwd: [global-nn] Red Alert for Net Neutrality in the United States


Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Candace Clement <[email protected]>
> Date: 22 November 2017 at 9:17:00 PM EAT
> To: Nathan White <[email protected]>
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [global-nn] Red Alert for Net Neutrality in the United States
> Reply-To: Candace Clement <[email protected]>
> For folks outside the US looking for ways to help mobilize people here, you can also sign up to join our peer-to-peer texting team. It’s an easy way to help get the word out to people here by having one-to-one conversations and you can do it from your computer whenever you have a little extra time.
> Candace Clement
> Campaign Director
> Free Press / Free Press Action Fund
> 413-585-1533 ext 203
>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Nathan White <[email protected]> wrote:
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>> The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under Chairman Ajit Pai just posted the proposed order to roll back Net Neutrality protections in the United States. It will be voted on December 14th, and it’s worse than we even feared.
>> Not only would ISPs be able to charge more for priority speeds, under this framework they’d be able to selectively downgrade certain services at their own discretion. The rule would also block any states from enacting Net Neutrality principles.
>> The FCC knows how wildly unpopular this is. The public comment docket had a record 22 million comments, overwhelmingly in support of Net Neutrality. They’re announcing this now, right before one of the biggest holidays in the United States to minimize the criticism
>> Our only hope now is to put so much pressure on the U.S. Congress that they tell Chairman Pai to back off. There is still hope. Members of Congress will face an election next year and Net Neutrality is important to many people. In just the last 24 hours 175,000 phone calls have gone to the Congress in support of NN. Even places like Breitbart and r/The_Donald are showing some signs of opposing the order. (I’ve heard rumors that even the ISPs think the order goes too far and will result in inevitable legal battles.)
>> While this is amazing, it’s not enough. This is a holiday weekend and Congress is closed. Those calls, can’t just be left on voice mail messages boxes. We need to sustain this level of activism all the way up until the vote on December 14th.
>> Here are some ways you can help.
>> The main Battle for the Net call tool is here: www.battleforthenet.com/
>> The ACLU call tool is here: www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/dont-dismantle-net-neutrality
>> Talking points on the order are here: docs.google.com/document/d/1JFt_t4AaA2rK6Kls64l4RqIcN0UTCBhCcEvA72rxnvM/edit#heading=h.teo0lgd25n6u
>> Access Now’s statement on the international impacts: www.accessnow.org/access-now-condemns-u-s-plan-repeal-net-neutrality-rules/
>> Statements from different orgs are here: docs.google.com/document/d/1OglCfmKV0eyou_jGxDEQz61JEl8y5XeZR1Kbte-Njh8/edit
>> A fact sheet from (Democratic) Commissioner Clyburn: www.fcc.gov/document/commissioner-clyburn-fact-sheet-net-neutrality
>> A toolkit with sample social media is here: docs.google.com/document/d/1WffqXGDRcAow-Qds4XwTo7gsvMONO4_Ysnw_g87i7cU/edit#heading=h.otuuifmukhbz
>> Please send any help or advice you have. And one thing to remember is that while it’s important to have a strong immediate response, it’s a big holiday in the United States and a lot of people are not paying attention. It’s just as important to schedule messages and actions in the coming weeks to ensure sustained pressure.
>> Thanks everyone for any support you can spare.
>> —
>> Nathan White
>> Senior Legislative Manager
>> Phone: (269) 267-0580
>> PGP ID: 0x9030A74E
>> Fingerprint: C2C2 CEDB 8368 05D7 CB89 72DF 59F9 6246 9030 A74E
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