Day 1 of Talk to the Senate (2017-2022 Priorities)

Dear Listers,

Much good suggestions have come up on this Day 1 of the discussion and what I can say is that the national government through ICT Authority published the Kenya National ICT Master Plan 2014 –2017. We should also look at what is in this document in terms of its pillars, objectives and strategies and see whether they have been devolved to the counties, otherwise we might end up duplicating efforts here. But what is coming out as much as we intensify our use of ICT is the aspect of security and how to combat the computer related crimes. As much as we have the national CIRT, I think we should also devolve incidence response and management to the counties and come up with a framework of how county level CIRTs can collaborate with the national CIRT. We facilitated a computer incident response team (CIRT) training last year in AFRALTI sponsored by CA. The constituents were drawn from government including providers of critical public utility services, ICT service providers including mobile telecom operators, the banking/financial sector and academia. The aim of this training was to facilitate the establishment of various sector based CIRTs (banking, telcos, critical infrastructure…etc). I would suggest the same strategy could be used to arm county level CIRTs otherwise we will be talking technology while leaving security as an afterthought which is also very dangerous.

Lawrence Dinga, MSc. (InfoSec & Forensics), CISSP
Managecom Systems Ltd
+254 721226324/ 0733973999

From: kanini mutemi via kictanet
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2018 7:27 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: kanini mutemi
Subject: [kictanet] Day 1 of Talk to the Senate (2017-2022 Priorities)

Good morning Listers,

Welcome to Day 1 of ‘Talk to the Senate’. This must have been what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they entrenched public participation as a key constitutional principle- an opportunity for us to make a case on what we think ought to be the Senate’s priority 2017-2022. I therefore encourage that we all participate in this session and look forward to an animated discussion.

As Grace had briefed us on Friday, we will have a three day discussion focusing on the counties and opportunities for intervention by the Senate.

This being the first day, our goal is to bring out issues of concern in the counties as far as ICT is concerned. Once we have these, we will proceed to make proposals on how the Senate may be of help in resolving these issues on Day 2. On Day 3, we will discuss how to foster engagements between the ICT community and the legislature.

This is our guiding question for today–

What do you consider to be the ICT

(a) challenges;

(b) risks; and

(c) opportunities in the counties?

As well, if there are ICT success stories coming out of the counties, feel free to highlight them.

We are honoured to have Senator Abshiro Halake (Vice Chairperson, Senate ICT Committee) on the list. Senator, karibu sana.

This discussion is now open!

KICTANet Admin information

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