KeSIG 2017 fellows
The second Kenya School of Internet Governance was held on 3rd to 5th July 2017 at Laico Regency Hotel, Nairobi. The report of the school is available here. The program of the 2017 KESIG edition is available here.
KeSIG is an introductory course covering technical, economic, legal and contemporary social issues brought about by the Internet and how they affect Kenyan decision making. It aims to build a critical mass of individuals advocating for Internet rights and freedoms through equipping the participants with the skills needed to participate meaningfully in local, regional and global policy discourse.
The 2017 cohorts were
- Collins chandi, KenTrade
- Tracy Kadesa, Tech Advocate
- Mutindi Muema, K.O advocates
- Adam Lane, Huawei technologies
- Lydia Gachugi, UNESCO
- Winfred Anyona, Computer Science Student
- Joel Cenas Ojung’a, ISK
- Nancy Wachira, Internet Solution Kenya
- Jefferson Anyega, Freelance
- Nicole Wasuna, KRA
- Mohammed Amin, DCI
- Beru Lilako, City Creation
- Cate Macharia, KHRC
- Daniel Naghaka, ISOC Uganda
- Cynthia Mwara, KICTANet
- Leonard Wakoli, County Government of Bungoma
- Phillip Omondi Centum Learning
- Sheila Kasiva, Computer Society of Kenya
- Toepista Nabusoba, IAWRT
- Cyrus Kithuva, Pixels Kenya
- Cecilia Maundu, KBC
- Lucy.W. Gichaga, UNESCO
- Francis Munyi, DCI
- Daniel Waruta, JKUAT
- Charity Sigilal, DCI
- Peter Mbatha, DCI
- Nick Ngatia, ISOC
- Elisha Chirchir, DCI
- Martin Mavenjina, KHRC
- Nancy Wachira, Multimedia University
- Mercy Mutemi, Mutemi Sumbi Advocate
- Asenath Niva, DW
- David Indeje, Soko Directory
- Fridah Wawira, Watoto Watch
- Daniel Muniu, Pixels Ltd
- Chris Nzure, Pixels Ltd
- Winnie Langat, Council of Governors
- Samuel Muchiri, TESPOK
- Christine Nzambi, Office of the Attorney General