Discussions on topical ICT issues


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If the court rules in the Petitioners’ favour, what would be the options for Safaricom? 1. Scrap the Okoa jahazi service completely? I am aware this service has been of
Listers The world of disinformation and propaganda will never be the same again. www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6371205869262245888 What is interesting here is that the perpetrators are state players. How do you regulate and
100% in agreement on eac directory. Ida Ng’ang’a Public Policy & Internet for Development Expert On Thursday, February 15, 2018, Denis G. Wahome via kictanet
+1 on eacdirectory Regards, Collins Areba, Kilifi, Kenya. Tel: +*254 707 750 788 */ *0731750788* Twitter: @arebacollins. Skype: arebacollins On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:08 PM, Ali Hussein via
See below. Sent from my phone, brevity and typos expected. ———- Forwarded message ———- Dear Ory, I hope you are well. My colleague Serah Rono, told me you might be
My sentiments exactly , doesn’t make sense to call for public participation with such short notice and then not providing the document in advance for review! -Regards Tracy Kadesa, LL.B
Mark Best practice calls for prior sharing of the report before the meeting so we can engage more meaningfully. I know for a fact that the draft report is already
Dear Hussein, The Telecommunication Competition Study draft report will be shared with participants on 20th February 2018. During the dissemination workshop the Authority looks forward to get further inputs from
Mark Thanks. Could you also share the draft report on the same? Regards *Ali Hussein* *Principal* *AHK & Associates* Tel: +254 713 601113 Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype: abu-jomo LinkedIn: ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim 13th
Can those of us who are unable to attend the workshop get access to the report in its entirety? On 16 Feb 2018 08:55, “Mark O. Okuttah via kictanet”
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